Next, c reate another directory to install gcc into.
type: cd . <return> to go back into the home directory, then
type: mkdir avrgcc-4.2<return> (substituting your gcc version for the 4.2)
Navigate to the folder you created.
type: cd avrgcc-4.2 <return> (or whatever you named your folder)
Configure gcc for AVR.
Type: ./gcc-4.2.0/configure --target=avr --enable-languages=c --disable-libssp
(substituting the name of the folder you decompressed for the gcc-4.2.0)
**thanks to Seth Raphael for the --disable-libssp ti

Once the configuration is done, compile gcc.
type: make CC='cc --no-cpp-precomp' <return>

This will take a long time so go have a sandwich How to unlock iphone 4 lock screen password.

When its done and you've washed your plate and silverware, install gcc. type: sudo make install<return>
and enter your password when prompted

Step 4. Download and install avr-libc (an essential C library for AVR chips)

Download the current release of avr-libc from : Streets of rage 2 soundtrack download.

Decompress the downloaded file and put the decompressed folder in your home directory

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In a new Terminal window, navigagte to the avr-libc directory. from your home directory
type: cd avr-libc-1.4.6 <return> (or whatever you downloaded) Configure avr-libc. type: ./configure --host=avr <return>

Compile avr-libc. type: make

Install avr-libc. type: sudo make install

Step 5. Download and install avrdude (the software that loads programs from your machine onto the chips) Download the current release of avrdude from :

Decompress the downloaded file and put the decompressed folder in your home directory

In a Terminal window, navigate to the avrdude directory. From your home directory type: cd avrdude-5.2 (or whatever you downloaded)
Configure avrdude. type: ./configure
Compile avrdude. type: make
Install avrdude. type: sudo make install

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Yay all the software is installed!

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Can't get it working? Dont worry, help is available in the forums!